Tag Archives: Stafford Virginia Photographer

A few more…{Northern Virginia Children’s Photographer}

Here are a few more from the workshop last weekend.  As I mentioned before, the session was styled by Shannon and the adorable clothes and accessories were from Lisa’s Mini Mad Hattery, The Measure, and Knuckleheads!  I’m thinking I might do a little shopping soon! 🙂 I hope everyone has a great weekend and fabulous...

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Workshop… {Northern Virginia Photographer}

Whew – things have been busy around here lately!  You wouldn’t know it by the blog posts though.  Holy moly!  Has it really been over a month since my last post?  Gees!  Anyway…last weekend I had the opportunity to attend a workshop with Shannon Sewell.  I love her work – it is so creative, fun, and quirky!  For...

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Spring is almost here!

And it sure felt like it yesterday.  What a gorgeous day!  I am now scheduling for spring and early summer so call or email today.  I look forward to hearing from you! 🙂 

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Food Friday

I was shopping last week at Wegmans (LOVE that place) and saw these beautiful Meyer lemons.  They reminded me of summer and warmer weather.  Considering we just had a snow day that week, I couldn’t resist something so bright and cheery to warm up my day!  I came home and after some researching came up with a lemon...

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Preserving Memories…

Along with taking photographs, it’s probably no surprise that I love scrapbooking.  I have been a “scrapbooker” for almost 12 years now (well probably longer than that – I remember making scrapbooks when I was in high school.)   Despite the movement to digital scrapbooking, I still enjoy the “old school” cut and paste scrapbooking.  I love getting my...

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