I had a great morning yesterday with a recent high school grad! Here’s a little sneak peek. (The last one is for you Cara. I hope your mom doesn’t mind that we did just one with the helmet!) 🙂
Here’s a peek at another recent session. It was SO hard to narrow down to just a few of my favorites! A beautiful senior + a gorgeous historic location + her personal touches = an awesome senior session! I love that we were able to incorporate some of her favorite things – dance, history, and books. Those little bits of personality are what...
Dear Blog, I am so sorry you have been neglected lately. I’ve been enjoying my summer too much and forgot about you a little. Will you forgive me? 🙂 I just realized it’s been almost a month since I last posted. Yikes – I guess I have been enjoying the summer! Summer around here means lazy mornings, days...
A few weekends ago, I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with these three fun-loving girls for a “friends” session. They were such troopers walking all through downtown Fredericksburg to the spots I had scouted out a few days before. I loved watching them laugh and have fun (and even get some yells from boys...